July 8

Men and HIV: Insights from sub-Saharan Africa

Wednesday, July 8, Satellite Session – Satellite Channel 1
10:00 AM Pacific | 1:00 PM Eastern

This satellite will launch a new supplement of the Journal of the International AIDS Society that aims to draw attention to the formative assessment work done on determining why men are less likely to access HIV services and the interventions and programmatic evaluations that have been designed and conducted to engage men.

Organizers: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, World Health Organization, International AIDS Society.

Tanya Shewchuk, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Wole AMEYAN, World Health Organization (WHO)
Anna Grimsrud, International AIDS Society (IAS)
James Ayieko, Kenya Medical Research Institute
Tawanda Makusha, Human Sciences Research Council
Ruanne Barnabas, University of Washington
Cassidy W. Claassen, University of Maryland School of Medicine
Harsha Thirumurthy, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
Sue Napierala, RTI International
Meg Osler, University of Cape Town